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Mar 21, 2011


Money is a way for people on Earth to try and put worth into something we can see and use. It's not a bad idea, I mean I'd rather barter with paper than supplies. My real question is what qualifies as having worth? Is it necessity, entertainment, service provided? I don't know, but I do know the system is flawed.
Perhaps you have heard of the NFL drama going on right now. The other night when ESPN was talking about it I heard a comment about how teachers are payed next to nothing and these clowns want millions to play a game. It is a GAME that I played in recess several years ago. Why is it that careers like that where you end up on T.V. playing professional sports for the general public pay so much more than important careers where you serve your fellow countrymen in practical ways? I'm not one to complain on entertainment. That would make me a hypocrite, as I do enjoy these things, but I can also tell when something is BS and needs to be thought out. So much wealth and worth is put into these professional leagues instead of school systems and other important places that I don't get it.
Don't even get me started on how much reality show people make because I seriously can not go on another Jersey Shore rant right now. The thing is though that we spend billions of dollars on entertainment and comfort while some still struggle to put bread on the table. Things like this bother me and I'm not sure what to do about it. I just hope if more people start thinking about it than they will start spreading this knowledge until you have enough people to make a difference. Alright, I'll get off my soapbox. On a different note, I'm trying to come up with a sign off line. I'll be trying some out until I get one I like. Now go be awesome! (probably not)
Captain Obvious

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