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Jan 10, 2011


Being sick is horrible. Whether the pain is in you head, shoulders, knees, toes, or anywhere in between it slowly eats away at you until you can no longer complete your daily tasks. Colds are one of the most common and most annoying. It starts in your forehead and causes you to see spots every time you stand up. It then flows to your nose giving you the sensation that you will stop breathing at any moment. The feeling trickles all the way down your throat, leaving it dry and itchy all day. The worst thing by far to be subjugated to.

Stomach aches are miserable. You wake up feeling like there's an army of tap-dancing crickets all the way down your intestines, or that your digestive track is struggling with a chunk of Mt. Rushmore. Your only hope for a cure is some pepto bismol or a glass of gingerale. If those fail you call in sick and spend all day in bed with a wastebasket close by, just in case.

The worst thing about being sick is going to the doctors. Theres nothing more uncomfortable than a doctors office. They will stick thermometers in places you didn't know you had and make you put on those stupid backward robes. If you don't have to suffer the doctors office then all you can rely on is medicine.

Now my last comments to leave you with is about medicine. What is the deal with medicine? Liquid medicine is horrible. It's like they didn't even try to make it taste good. As for pills, what's with the bottle caps? If they need to put directions on the cap on how to open it then perhaps its too complex to start with. Push down and turn left. It never works! You try until your frustration gets the best of you and admit your defeat. Now your pissed and sick. Grr.

Anyway, be thankful for your health, because it could change at any time.

- Sincerely,
Captain Obvious

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