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Mar 23, 2011


While they were made for comfort not style, I find them one of the most interesting accessories to use. It's an easy way to learn something about a person too. If a person wheres knee high socks then they are probably a school girl in China. If they wear low-riders they are athletic. If they wear no socks they woke up late or are slaves to fashion. If they wear slides with socks they make bad decisions. If they have colorful socks they have some personality. No boring person wears bright socks. If their socks are mismatched colors then your probably looking at me, being that I am the only person I know of that purposely does that.

Laundry is a necessity, but the most annoying thing about it is trying to find matches to socks. Why is it that no two socks look alike when coming out of the dryer? These are both white, but they are different. Well after 15 years of that crap I smartened up and started matching random socks together. As long as I've got two I don't really care what they look like. I got a set of 6 neon colored socks originally, and they were my favorite socks. Not that I had ever had a favorite pair before, but I really liked wearing them. Problem. The two orange never came out of the wash at the same time, the yellow's match was stuck under my dresser, one of the purples had disappeared from the face of the earth, and the green one got a hole in the bottom. What do you do? Take one of each and mix it together. Simple fix. Then it got some attention and I found it fun to have a little something about me that was different. I got pairs of checkerboards, animal prints, and rainbow socks. Now all I have is mismatched colorful toe-warmers. I like it that way.

Anyway it's my feet's fashion. They demand to be dressed up like the rest of me, not just forced to wear white every single day of their lives as if they were visiting the chapel. My feet don't need to be cloaked in white as if the were the holiest of creations to walk the ground, not to mention that if you do play sports they will become absolutely disgusting very quickly. The colorful ones are conversation starters and just more pleasant to see when you open your drawer. Still working on my sign off line. Tha-th-t-th-thats all folks! (possible copyright problems)
Captain Obvious

Mar 21, 2011


Money is a way for people on Earth to try and put worth into something we can see and use. It's not a bad idea, I mean I'd rather barter with paper than supplies. My real question is what qualifies as having worth? Is it necessity, entertainment, service provided? I don't know, but I do know the system is flawed.
Perhaps you have heard of the NFL drama going on right now. The other night when ESPN was talking about it I heard a comment about how teachers are payed next to nothing and these clowns want millions to play a game. It is a GAME that I played in recess several years ago. Why is it that careers like that where you end up on T.V. playing professional sports for the general public pay so much more than important careers where you serve your fellow countrymen in practical ways? I'm not one to complain on entertainment. That would make me a hypocrite, as I do enjoy these things, but I can also tell when something is BS and needs to be thought out. So much wealth and worth is put into these professional leagues instead of school systems and other important places that I don't get it.
Don't even get me started on how much reality show people make because I seriously can not go on another Jersey Shore rant right now. The thing is though that we spend billions of dollars on entertainment and comfort while some still struggle to put bread on the table. Things like this bother me and I'm not sure what to do about it. I just hope if more people start thinking about it than they will start spreading this knowledge until you have enough people to make a difference. Alright, I'll get off my soapbox. On a different note, I'm trying to come up with a sign off line. I'll be trying some out until I get one I like. Now go be awesome! (probably not)
Captain Obvious

Mar 20, 2011


The most annoying thing about computers is that to use any websites features you have to give some personal information, create a profile, give an email address, and create a password. Those passwords become difficult to remember, especially if you don't visit a certain page for awhile. I have about two or three basic passwords, but usually I do some play on words and link them all together with my twisted mind. The problem comes later when I try to remember which one is which. Some websites require you to add a number to your password which screws me up and makes it more difficult to get into whatever I need to. I have come up with a few foolproof passwords that might not be a bad choice and easy enough to remember. Feel free to use any, but note that I have not. No use trying to hack my accounts later.

1. ItsMe
2. KnockKnock
3. OpenSesame
4. DingDong
5. IForgotMyPassword
6. SantaClausIsReal
7. LetMeIn
8. InsertPasswordHere
9. JuryDuty
10. YouHaveTheRightToRemainSilent (might be too many characters)
11. IHateRedLetters
12. WhatAreYouABouncer?
13. DontMakeMeGetTheLocksmith
14. ISolemnlySwearIAmUpToNoGood
15. IHaveAFakeID
16. DnnnnnaaaaaaaaaDnaaaaaaaBatman! (might be hard to remember all the a's and n's)
17. YourMom
18. WhyWasSixAfraidOfSeven
19. BecauseSevenEightNine
20. WhatPassword?
21. Drowssap (password backwards)
22. IveGotABomb
23. YouCompleteMe
24. YourFired
25. ImSoAlone (perfect for world of warcraft or other online gaming accounts)

Mar 16, 2011

What's Wrong With Television: Part 1

In this new bit I'm starting I will discuss issues and opinions on television networks that I feel strongly about. The first one, MTV.

This main offender has the audacity to call themselves Music Television. What a misleading lie that is. Their biggest (and only shows) are reality based programs such as Skins, Jersey Shore, The Hills, and 16 and Pregnant. All of these programs promote bad behavior and annoying protagonists. The really devastating portion is that people don't have a problem with it. They eat this s**t up and tune in regularly, giving these talentless oafs careers. I remember the whole speech about having to work hard for something that every toddler receives in first grade, and how success and fortune would not just wind up in your lap. Guess they were wrong. I might be interested if you gave them challenges, such as write your name without using spell check. 10 bucks says Snooki would use three o's in her name.  My point is that we as a society are encouraging bad behavior and trashy people and turning them into role models and celebrities. When this network puts America's Best Dance Crew, or hey maybe some actual music, back on the air I might watch it. Until then I shake my head in its general direction. It should really be RTV (reality tv), or STV (stupid tv) or UTV (ughh!!!!!! tv). Back to Comedy Central for me.
Captain Obvious

Mar 15, 2011


The magical combination of bread and heat. It makes breakfast worth having, and gives butter a purpose. It's quite tasty and the way it crumbles when you bite into it makes your morning that much better. Unfortunately, it becomes unacceptable to eat it at any other time of day. Ever had it for lunch? Only if cheese is smashed between it. Not for dinner, or dessert unless you've got an awesome dish I don't know about. It's the poster boy of breakfast (egg is the poster girl) and the hallmark of bread. And in case your not clear on it, bread goes into a toaster, not toast.

Champagne wouldn't be the same without having a moment to use our fancy glasses to salute a well known cause or deserving person. A toast is given at weddings, graduations, birthdays, poker nights, and many other events I guess....... don't know, I don't really drink champagne. But I suppose we could use grape juice or Mountain Dew and it would be just fine. Toasts are meant to be meaningful moments to express how you really feel, but they end up being moments where grown adults have to relive the fourth grade speech competition. Out of the two, I prefer the first kind of toast, but I suppose when I like alcohol, (if that ever happens) I will enjoy a moment of real emotion followed by heavy drinking to make it go away. Let's raise our glasses to breakfast and get refills on the Orange Juice while we are at it. Happy Eatings.

Captain Obvious

Mar 14, 2011

Dissecting a Saying: Part 2

In this special edition we are going to look at a few sayings that don't quite hit the mark and make it difficult to convey your message.

- The Proof Is In The Pudding - What? I'm sorry, I didn't know we were ordering dessert. Much less do I understand why there would be plausible evidence in my chocolate mousse whip.

- People Who Live In Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Stones - Duh. Nor should they live in glass houses. That's a dangerous living environment, call Remax NOW and get out before the Big Bad Wolf shows up.

- Barking Dogs Seldom Bite - Obviously you've never been to my neighborhood, because they all do both.

- There Are Other Fish In The Sea - Really? I thought there was only that one fish in the entire ocean, but you are telling me that there are more? Have you ever gone fishing? It's a lot of work to catch one fish, and it got away. Yes there are others, but it's a pretty big ocean my friend. Finding one of the many others will be no easy task, probably even harder than finding the first. And with the additional shot to the ego that comes from already having failed, the last thing I need is your observation about the already understood situation.

- Never Cross A Bridge Until You Come To It - Is it even possible to cross a bridge before I can step on it? You've lost me, and wasted my time. Goodbye.