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Apr 25, 2011


They're cute, furry, and smell absolutely disgusting. I don't think there is anyway to un-stink them. No amount of Febreeze, bathwater, or soap can remove that internal reek. But once you see their small, fuzzy heads and their big round eyes you'll hold your breathe and scoop them up cause they are so snuggly! Some people have them as pets and others like me have them as allergies. Lovely. Their scientific name is Mustela Putorius Furo, quite the mouth full, and they are a rather boring species. The most exciting things from ferrets is the video made by SecretAgentBob on youtube. For reference here's the link. Be warned its a bit ........... strange.
On another note I can not believe how many websites are dedicated to Ferrets. No joke, when I Googled 'ferrets' the website URL and popped up. Wow, some people have too much free time. Any way this post is kind of unrelated to anything but that's how I is, inappropriate grammar and all. It's been a long day, so I bid you adeu.
Captain Obvious

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