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Feb 15, 2011


Literacy in some countries is a gift, a craved knowledge, something denied to majority of their people. In America, most of the population is given the opportunity to learn to read, and when you're first learning how to it's exciting. When your in high school everyone acts likes it's a chore. When you're an adult you read papers relating to work or the news. When your old you've lost your sight and have audio books or thick nuclear powered goggles to enhance their eyes enough for a little sparetime reading. Why is it that reading has dropped in popularity? The truth is that we live in a generation that wants instant satisfaction; the "Now Generation" as quoted by the Black Eyed Peas. Reading takes too long, and actually requires thought and effort. If you still read for fun you are the exception to the rule, but the rule states that teenagers and the majority of the public are too lazy to actually pick up a book and engross themselves in it. Television takes 30 minutes to an hour for you to figure out whos important, what happens, and why you should care. A book could take days to get through and by that time your just waiting for it to end. Classic books written in old english are straining on the mind, and other books are just telling you stories you don't care to know.

Two things ruined books; Directors and Spark Notes. 60% of movies nowadays are books that have been bastardized for profitable gain or cause directors are too lazy to write something themselves. And Spark Notes ruined every book in itself. Nobody reads them anymore, they just find out the plot synopsis and any other facts they need to know for a test or conversation or for your curiosity. It's disheartening. The craziest part is that when I was in fifth grade reading was the norm. All of us would read something and get excited and tell each other. It was fun. Then little by little it fades away.

Bottom line, I like to read. If you do to, cool. More power to you. If you don't thats fine. But just so all you illiterates out there know, lol is NOT a word.

- Sincerely
Captain Obvious

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