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Dec 6, 2010


Procrastinating. It's human natures greatest flaw. It's the only excuse for why I don't have an icon up yet on my profile, and yet it is one of the few things we all have in common. The world is one big procrastinator. That's why we haven't developed a cure for cancer, why we haven't found an alternative to fossil fuels, and why I haven't yet showered. Procrastination.

It's common sense really. If I can do it later, why on earth would I do it now? That's my philosophy. Some people do things ahead of time, and those people are called overachievers. Sure, they plan, and break it up, and get it all done ahead of schedule, but I can do it all in one crazed night of caffeine. I like to achieve just the right amount, thank you.

When push comes to shove, procrastinators shove hard. We don't just expect these things to happen, we tighten are belts, roll up our sleeves, and give everything we got to get this stuff done. There is a great difference between procrastinating and being lazy. Their may be a grey area in between but people who are lazy will not get it done. People who procrastinate will, and it will be above and beyond the standards. So procrastinators let us unite! - tomorrow

- Captain Obvious

1 comment:

  1. Tomorrow I will comment, or maybe Wednesday
